About us: Ingo Boehme


I also tell my biogenesis in an essay with many pictures

"My path of sound"

Ingo Böhme

I am a self-taught musician, researcher, instrument maker, businessman and entrepreneur for 40 years.

In 1978,  I was employed for 7 months as a typesetter and printer in a publishing house. During this time I decided to never work as an employee again. I enjoyed working fast and effectively.

A long journey began, to self-employment, to carpentry, to sound. A lot of privat moves led to new adventures again and again. Many journeys to fairs, for seminars and as sound journeys into nature have opened new horizons and perspectives for me.

At a festival in the wilderness of Idaho in 1982 I experienced how I made music intuitively for the first time. Without training, without musical knowledge, carried by the group, I played without thinking, invisibly guided. This was to become my vision, which I pass on through my work until today: intuitive music.

It is a great pleasure for me to pass on my enthusiasm for sound instruments and my love for acoustic sounds and to inspire others. The most beautiful thing is to see the glow in the eyes when an instrument touches the heart with its sound.

Today I am a father of two of my own and one adopted child, as well as a stepfather of two of my wife's children. Soon, I will be a proud grandfather to a total of 8 grandchildren.


1982 Foundation of instrument making
1982 - 1986 Research trips for sound instruments through the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Canada
1986 Own workshop and sale of Tongue Drums to kindergartens and at flea markets
1988 First wholesale of own instruments and inclusion of instruments from other instrument makers in own portfolio
1990 Arts and crafts markets, eco fairs and the Frankfurt music fair
1996 Relocation of the company with production to Heuchelheim near Gießen, extensive wholesale of instruments from all over the world, djembes, didgeridoos, gongs, singing bowls
Competition "New Instruments for Music Therapy", organized by the University in Hamburg
1997 Construction of first Monochords
Handing over of the production to former employees
1999 - 2000 Sabbatical year
2000 Visit Namm Show in Los Angeles, since then distribution of High Spirits flutes and McNally Strumsticks
Start of the tradition "Journeys to the sounds of nature"
Start of sales to USA to Gabriele Schwibach
2002 Establishment of the own practice Martina Gläser for sound - connection of massages with tones and sounds
2003 Development of Soundwave and Singing Chair with Martina Gläser as body therapist
2005 Marriage to Martina Gläser-Böhme
2006 Sound Healing Congress in Santa Fe, New Mexico and to a music therapy conference in St. Louis with Gabriele Schwibach
Expansion of the exclusive distribution in the USA
2007 "Festival for Creative Sound"
2008 "Journeys to the Sounds of Nature" in Arizona and to the University of Arizona to Barbara Crowe
2009 Start of the tradition "Klangzeit" - 24 hours of music - without language
2010 "Journeys to the Sounds of Nature" to Baja California, Palenque and Mexico City
After separation from old business partner - relocation of the production to Sweden to the company Auris and a woodshop near Greifswald
2011 Private move to Klein-Jasedow in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the home of my wife.
2012 Relocation of the company to the neighbouring village Pulow in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with the focus on production
2013 Establishment of the production with a new hall and new machines in Pulow
Relocation privately and with practice to Pulow
2014 Development of the Monchair
2015 Major order from Asia, extension of the workshop, expansion of the machine park
"Journeys to the sounds of nature" and workshop trip to Miami, Florida, Phoenix Arizona, Sequoia National Park, San Francisco
2016 Workshop trip San Diego, California
2017 Workshop trip Portland,Oregon
Frankfurt Music Fair
2018 First participation in the Namm Show in Los Angeles with Gabriele Schwibach, Hokema Kalimbas and Metal Sounds
"Journeys to the sounds of nature" to Alabama Hills in the White Mountains, Calif.
2019 Therapy Fair Stuttgart
2020 Namm Show Los Angeles with Gabriele Schwibach, Hokema Kalimbas and Metal Sounds
"Journeys to the sounds of nature" in Joshua Tree National Park, California
Private move to Karnin, with the practice in Klotzow
Development of new website and new invoicing software
2021 1st Digital Namm Show in L.A.
First Zoom Seminars

I also tell my biogenesis in an essay with many pictures

"My path of sound"

Ingo Porträt