Der Störmond, Vollmond-Trommeln im August

The Sturgeon Moon, full moon drumming in August

In August 2023, two full moons occurred at the same time. However, this only happens very rarely. The next time two full moons appear in one month will be in May 2026.

Sturgeon moon in August

In North America, the full moon in August was traditionally known as the sturgeon moon because of the original fish species: the huge sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were caught most easily during this part of the summer. The fish were an essential part of the diet of many indigenous tribes, and around the full moon was the best time to catch them.

The word "sturgeon" means "the stirrer",

which is what this huge fish does when it is looking for food. With its pointed snout and moustache-like sensory organs near its mouth, it stirs up the mud and silt at the bottom of rivers and lakes.

These prehistoric-looking fish have been traced back to around 136 million years ago and many people refer to them as "living fossils". Female sturgeon take about 20 years to reproduce, and they can only do so every 4 years or so. However, they can live up to 150 years. Today, there are about 29 species worldwide, including the sturgeon in the Great Lakes. They have evolved from the size of a perch to monster sturgeons the size of a small car.

Unfortunately, due to overfishing in the 19th century, pollution and habitat destruction, sturgeons are now quite rare. They may have survived the dinosaurs, but they are unlikely to survive humans and our hunger for luxurious delicacies such as caviar.

We can use this full moon in August to reflect on the impact of humans on nature and how we can do our part to protect the earth and its creatures.


The August moon is considered the last full moon of summer and is the best time to harvest certain foods.

August is known as the most fertile month and is often the last opportunity to harvest summer crops that have reached their full growth. The Cherokee tribe called it the full moon of fruit and the Sioux called it the moon on which all things ripen. Other peoples have also named this moon after certain fruits that ripen at this time, including: Black Cherry Moon (Assiniboine), Full Green Corn Moon (Algonquin), Sliced Wheat Moon (Ojibwe), Grain Moon (Algonquin), Barley Moon and Rice Moon (Anishinaabe).

Rising moon

is a Cree term that describes the time when young birds are finally ready to take the leap to learn to fly. The Tlingit people of the Pacific Northwest traditionally called this time of the season the Mountain Shadow Moon.

In China, the moon in August is known as the Moon of Hungry Ghosts,

as it coincides with the festival of hungry ghosts . It is said that on the night of the full moon, the gates to hell open and hungry souls roam the earth. The Chinese prepare offerings to satisfy the hunger of the spirits, make them happy and prevent them from wreaking havoc among mankind. Food and gifts are left for the hungry souls, and lotus-shaped lanterns are lit on the night of the full moon, floating over lakes, rivers and ponds.

(The information here comes from:,,, and

Full moon drumming as a ritual

Since 1997, we at feeltone have been drumming for 2.5 - 3 hours every month during the full moon. Either outside by the campfire or inside. Always in a circle and connected to the time quality of the moon.

For us, this is like meditation, which is also practiced worldwide. The purpose of both is similar: it's about pausing and stopping individuality for a moment. We create our realities through our thinking and get caught up in them all too quickly. That's why it's good to stop thinking from time to time. In this way, the brain waves experience new paths and solutions. Afterwards, we are refreshed, calmer and better connected.

Taking part is very simple

Take whatever instruments you can find (including your voice!) and simply make noises - either alone or with friends. It doesn't matter how well you play - all you need to do is create a groove and get into the rhythm of the world's heartbeat.

We are touched by the stories of many of you who have begun to participate in this monthly global community. Feel free to write a comment below this post about what your ritual was like.

Build your own ritual drum

If you want to unleash the power of your own drum, you can build and consecrate your own ritual drum with Martina in the drum making course. Or you can order adrum kit from our store and build your own drum at home.

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