Der Rosa Mond, Vollmond-Trommeln im April

The pink moon, full moon drumming in April

Although we wish this name had something to do with the color of the moon, the reality isn't quite so mystical or awe-inspiring. In truth, the full moon in April often corresponds with the early spring bloom of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America: Phlox Sublata.

Also known as creeping phlox or moss phlox, it covers the ground with a pink blanket, also known as "moss pink". Thanks to this seasonal association, this full moon was named "pink" moon called!

The Pink Moon means that spring is in full swing and everything is growing back. It represents the flowering and growth of plants following the thaw of winter. Although the moon itself is not pink, the elements are pink at this time of year as the flowers are in full bloom. There are also pink flowers in other parts of the northern hemisphere, for example the cherry blossom in the northern parts of Asia, such as Japan and South Korea.

The full moon in April is often the full moon of Easter (or "Paschal moon") - an important moon for all those who celebrate Easter, as the date of Easter depends on the date of the full Easter moon. (Fun fact: "Paschal" comes from Pascha, the Greek and Latin word for Passover).

(The information here comes from:,,, and

Vollmondtrommeln im April

Full moon drumming as a ritual

Since 1997, we at feeltone have been drumming for 2.5 - 3 hours every month during the full moon. Either outside by the campfire or inside. Always in a circle and connected to the time quality of the moon.

For us, this is like meditation, which is also practiced worldwide. The purpose of both is similar: it's about pausing and stopping individuality for a moment. We create our realities through our thinking and get caught up in them all too quickly. That's why it's good to stop thinking from time to time. In this way, the brain waves experience new paths and solutions. Afterwards, we are refreshed, calmer and better connected.

Taking part is very simple

Take whatever instruments you can find (including your voice!) and simply make noises - either alone or with friends. It doesn't matter how well you play - all you need to do is create a groove and get into the rhythm of the world's heartbeat.

We are touched by the stories of many of you who have begun to participate in this monthly global community. Feel free to write a comment below this post about what your ritual was like.

Build your own ritual drum

If you want to unleash the power of your own drum, you can build and consecrate your own ritual drum with Martina in the drum making course. Or you can order adrum kit from our store and build your own drum at home.

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