Dear full moon drummer community,
For four years, we have collected information about the influences of the full moon and sent it out in our full moon newsletter. Your loyalty, passion and kind words have always accompanied and inspired us. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The time we invested in this research was a time of growing and learning. Each full moon brought new insights into the subtle energies and influences it has on our lives. We drummed together in different places. It was a journey full of insights and discoveries that we made together.
Now we would like to give something back. As a thank you for your support and loyalty, we would like to give you the fruits of our labor. From now on, we are offering the time qualities of each month as individual blog posts below as a free gift. This information is intended to help you better understand the energies of the full moon and integrate them into your spiritual practice.
We hope these gifts can support your spiritual growth and guide you on your path. Let's continue to celebrate the power of the full moon together and deepen our connection to nature.
With gratitude and connection,
Your Feeltone Team
Full moon drumming
The full moon drumming is an ancient ritual and is practiced all over the world. It is not an online, but an offline event.
We invite you to join in. If you don't have an instrument, just take your voice, you always have it with you.
We always come together from 19-22 (CET). Indoors or outdoors. As the time of the full moon shifts from region to region, there is always someone drumming all day long. And so a network of sounds forms, beyond intellectual thought. Connected to the respective time quality of the full moon. Read more about the full moons of the months below.