Monolina  – weitere Informationen

Monolina Info Blog

How to play

Our Monolina is strung in the following way: 24 overtone strings are played, then, when we stroke towards the body, the 5 bass strings will sound, leading you completely into the depth of relaxation. The final sound of the 5 fifth strings brings you into a new alignment of vitality and alertness. The individual segments - high notes - bass strings - fifth can therefore be played independently of each other, which gives the player great creativity.

Monochord spielen

The outwardly curved body of the instrument ensures a long resonance and sufficient volume to make even the lower octave resonate.

When using the single bridges, our Monolina becomes even more versatile: The recurring waves of the Monochord create a sound carpet. The koto with the single bridges underneath adds melodic impulses, the fifth complements the Monochord with the tambura effect and played with sticks the santoor comes in. The interplay of the Monochord and the liveliness of the koto strings make fine meditative compositions possible.

Our popular Monolina with its 34 strings is much more than a Monochord. The number 34 is the duplication of the mythical number 17, the single values 3 and 4 are in the sum 7. The 7 stands for the dream power and the 17 for your potency. This means that by playing the Monolina we enter the dream world from which we can dream the world anew. After playing the 34 strings for a few minutes, a full-bodied sound carpet can emerge that brings a sea of overtones with it.

Finest feeltone craftsmanship
made out of high quality materials, lovingly manufactured from the plank to the stringing in the north-east of Germany by the beautiful Baltic Sea and shipped all over the world.

Interplay of several Monochords:

D and A or F and C fit together the best. However, all tunings can also be played together at the same time, a very special sound experience.

Use as a body Monochord:

The outwardly curved shape of the Monolina adapts perfectly to the most diverse human body shapes. The body is always touched and vibrations are transmitted. See pictures.

  • Laying on belly, lap, chest
  • Laying on feet, back, neck
  • Playing to oneself, holding in the arm, lying on the lap

As a rhythm instrument:

It is great fun to strike the strings rhythmically with sticks, felt or santoori mallets.


  • worldwide courses and training by feeltone:
    • Learn a basic tool to play with ease and a variety of timbres on our instruments and express yourself intuitively.
    • Learn to incorporate the elements of nature, create specific moods, stimulate the flow of energy and the emotional body and hold a meditative space for clients and listeners.
    • All these techniques can be used in a
      sound massage and group meditation, for sound and voice work or to support a variety of usage from acupuncture to music therapy.

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